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野村マガジン ~ 野村工務店の最新情報 ~ Magazine

【5/23〆切】設計コンペに参加しよう! 2024年 03月 29日

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< テーマ > 規格住宅のプラン提案

1.  目的


2.  審査方法


役員:社長 専務 常務



営業部:緒方 蜂須賀 林

設計士:島田 八木 北垣内 楠 野本


広報:宮倉 大岩

3.  審査項目

① 差別化されたコンセプトを持つ間取り

② 洗練されたデザイン(外観を重視)

③ ターゲットにとって住み心地が良いか

④ 商品に価格訴求力があるか(売れる価格設定か)

⑤ 野村工務店のモデルハウスとしてふさわしいか

⑥ 時勢を見据えた省エネ、エネルギー対策、地震対策

⑦ ローメンテナンス性能

4.  選考内容

■ 敷地: 自由


■ 建物構造: 木造2×4工法優遇(他工法でも可)



■ 権利関係: 応募作品の著作権は野村工務店に帰属する。


■ 提出先: 提案プランをフォンへメール送信

フォン  phuong@nomura-k.co.jp

5.  スケジュール

★ 提出期限: 2024/5/23(木)13:00

5/23(木)13:00 応募締切

5/24(金)13:00 外部応募作品への質疑応答締切

5/27(月)13:00 質疑メールに返信をお願い致します

     16:00 外部応募作品の質疑応答を社内公開

5/29(水)13:00 審査員は推薦作品をフォンへメール

5/30(木)10:00 一次審査 ※社内プレゼン、質問会

5/31(金)10:00 二次審査 ※社内プレゼン、質問会

6/3(月)17:00 HPブログで結果発表

6/7(金)    賞金振込

6.  賞金

① コンペ賞 

       200万円    ※対象となる作品が無い場合、該当なしとすることがある。

② 社長賞    ※特に表彰したい案があった場合のみ。





Nomura Corporation 2024 Model House Competition

◆ Purpose

Exhibit and sell as the model house of standard house in 2024

◆ Judging Method

①First round of judging (1 minute presentation, with a separate Q&A session)

Executives (3 people), Sales, Public Relations (5people), Quality (1people), Designers (5people), Engineering Department (1people), IC Section (1people) ,16 people will select the works that pass the first round

Each person recommends 1 to 5 works to narrow down to 2 to 10 works.

②Second round of judging (1 minute re-presentation, with a separate Q&A session)

After the judges vote on the suitability of the model house, all members of the jury judge the entries together.

◆ Judging items

(1) Floor plan with a differentiated concept

5 works each Total 35 entries

(2) Sophisticated design (with emphasis on the exterior)

(3) Is the house comfortable for the target customers?

(4) Whether the product has price appeal (is it priced to sell?)

(5) Is it suitable as a Nomura Corporation model house?

(6) Energy-saving, energy-saving, and earthquake-proof measures that take into account the current situation.

(7) Low maintenance performance

◆ Schedule(Japan time)

March 29(Fri.) Start of external recruitment

May 23(Thu.) 1:00 p.m. Deadline for submissions

May 24(Fri.) 1:00 p.m. Deadline for questions on external applications

May 27(Mon.) 1:00 p.m. Please reply to the Q&A emails.

4:00 p.m. Internal Q&A session for external submissions opens.

May 29(Wed.) 1:00 p.m. Judges email their recommendations to Ms.Phuong

May 30(Thu.) 10:00 a.m. First round of judging *presentation and question-and-answer session at Nomura koumuten Company

May 31(Fri.) 10:00 a.m. Second round of judging *presentation, question-and-answer session at Nomura koumuten Company

June 3(Mon.) 5:00 p.m. Results announced on HP blog

June 7(Fri.) Cash payment

◆ Jury members

Members of Nomura Koumuten Company (16 people)

Executive(3 people): President Senior, Managing Director, Managing Director

Quality(1 people): Kawagishi

Engineering(1 people ): Nagai

Sales Department(3 people): Ogata, Hachisuga, Hayashi

Architect(5 people): Shimada, Yagi, Kitagaito, Kusunoki, Nomoto

IC Section(1 people): Oki

Public Relations(2 people): Miyakura, Oiwa

◆ Selection Details

①Competition Award: 2,000,000 yen

*If there is no eligible work, the award may be deemed as “not applicable”.

②President’s Award

*Only if there is a particularly deserving proposal

◆ Site

Any site and Free

*Site shape that can be assumed to be a request for a contracted property.

◆ Building structure

Wooden 2×4 construction preferred (other construction methods are also acceptable)

◆ Building size and number of floors


*Consideration given to various site types as a standard product for contracted properties.

◆ Rights

Copyrights to all entries belong to Nomura Corporation.

Permission of Nomura Corporation is required for construction and publication of the submitted works.

◆ Participation&Eligibility

Participation: Open to any person in the world

Eligibility: Not required

◆ Submission deadline

Email proposed plan to Mrs.PHUONG  May 23, 1:00 p.m. (Japan time)

Mrs.PHUONG  phuong@nomura-k.co.jp


Students and professionals are equally welcomed 🙂

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